What tips do you need to make a fair sale of your business?

Business valuations are estimates of a company's value at a specific time. Unlike an intangible asset, a business valuation is not a one-time transaction. Due to internal and external factors, a company's value can fluctuate over time. With age, the derived value may not be as accurate.

Business valuation involves assessing all the company's financial value and its assets. It is an inherently subjective process.


Here are a few tips you might find helpful as you go through this negotiation process with the buyer:

     Make sure you continue to advertise. You should advertise the sale of your business and inventory simultaneously.

     You will get the best deal if you choose to sell to a family member, friend, coworker, or an unknown individual.

     You should look for different buyers before accepting the first one.

     Establish your goal price and stick to it. After negotiating a bit, the business valuation services will help you determine what your company is worth. Don't settle for anything less.

     Be sure to document everything.
